Event Details

Exclusively limited to members and board members of the chamber this is a free event that has the intention of allowing our members to meet each other and network virtually.

This is the Chambers 3rd Online networking event. This is an exciting event where you get a similar experience to a live networking event, enabled through technology to be matched with up to 10 people per event, each for 4 minutes to introduce and exchange business details. Experience focused face-to-face engagement with other members and professionals in the community.

The event allows one-to-one engagement between members.

What to expect:

  • Network one-on-one with others โ€“ Speed Networking allows you to meet the right people and connect with them.
  • Exchange digital business cards โ€“ Easily share your contact information with your professional network.
  • Enter open or private group discussions โ€“ Create lasting and meaningful relationships in a flash!

Join us for this focused, purpose-driven networking event.



    Connect with 10 people attending this event



    Member VIP Ticket (Free)
    Member Price Complimentary